A stark realisation

Sitting in a cafe at a local health centre where I provide IT support, it suddenly dawned on me.  I’m currently at work, I’ve been asked to come here, I’m not skiving so there’s no guilt that I’m shurking my responsibilities.  I’m wearing a nice suit that I’ve only just been able to fit in since losing weight, I’m still in touch with the office if they need me and I’ve got “First Steps in Counselling” in front of me by Pete Sanders.  It dawned on me while sipping a cup of tea and blogging – I’m actually living one of my dreams!

I remember a Chris from years ago dreaming about being suited and booted, doing some form of job, able to chill out now and again and catch up with my work in a relaxed environment.  Well this is it – I’d love to go back and tell him “don’t worry” because one day it will happen – 11th December 2014 when you’re 35 you’ll be chilling out in a nice little cafe while waiting for someone to their bit of work which will then let you do your bit.  No rush – no stress – just enjoy the moment…

Well that’s what I’m doing right now – enjoying this exact moment in time.  I may not be the next time I read this but I’d like this to serve as reminder to me (and you) that not all times are bad.  There are good times but they get clouded sometimes by life other trials and tribulations.

Have an good day people – and remember to be awesome.

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